Title: Stretch and Sushi Social Media Campaign: Nobu Pilates Case Study

Client Overview: Nobu Pilates, situated in Marylebone, is renowned for its blend of traditional Pilates and modern fitness, appealing to a diverse clientele seeking holistic wellness.

Campaign Objective: This campaign aimed to spotlight Nobu Pilates' unique "Stretch and Sushi" package, merging Pilates sessions with sushi dining to increase awareness, attract new clients, and foster engagement on social media platforms.

Strategy: Our multifaceted approach incorporated compelling visual content, targeted paid media, collaborative posts, and an influencer launch event to achieve campaign goals.

Content Creation:

Photo-Series: We curated a captivating series featuring Marsha, Nobu Pilates' founder, showcasing Pilates poses with sushi trays. These visually stunning images captured attention, conveying the essence of the "Stretch and Sushi" experience.

Campaign Execution:

Social Media Platforms: The campaign predominantly unfolded on Instagram, reaching Nobu Pilates' curated 'Friends and Family' network.

Paid Media: Strategic allocation of marketing budget to targeted paid media campaigns ensured maximum reach and visibility. Sponsored posts, carousel ads, and promoted stories were optimised for audience engagement and conversions.

Key Highlights:

Engaging Visuals: The photo-series featuring Marsha garnered significant attention and engagement, effectively communicating the allure of the "Stretch and Sushi" package.

Increased Traction: Paid media channels facilitated heightened visibility and traction, driving website traffic and generating valuable leads.

Measurable Impact: Rigorous analytics and tracking monitored campaign performance in real-time, informing optimization strategies to maximize effectiveness.


Enhanced Brand Awareness: The campaign generated buzz, positioning Nobu Pilates as a premier destination for holistic wellness experiences.

Increased Customer Acquisition: Compelling visuals and targeted advertising led to a surge in new inquiries and bookings, fuelling revenue growth.

Positive Brand Perception: Overwhelmingly positive feedback solidified Nobu Pilates' reputation as an innovative leader in the fitness industry.

Conclusion: The success of the "Stretch and Sushi" social media campaign demonstrates the effectiveness of strategic content creation and paid media in driving brand awareness, customer engagement, and revenue growth. By leveraging captivating visuals and targeted advertising, the campaign amplified Nobu Pilates' unique value proposition, enticing new clientele and solidifying its status as a premier destination for holistic wellness experiences.